A beginners Guide To Web Traffic in 2020

Strictly speaking, website traffic is anybody and anything that visits your website. This includes both human visitors and automated bots (which are, basically, computer programs designed to roam the Internet for one reason or another). Obviously, it’s the human visitors you care about the most. But, you need to pay attention to the bots, too. Some of them are important. Googlebot, for example, is a program Google uses to crawl your website for the purpose of indexing in Google Search. If you don’t allow it to access your site, you will effectively exclude yourself from Google and you can say ‘goodbye’ to the free traffic from this all-important search engine. Other bots, however, can be malicious and could potentially cause a lot of harm. Therefore, website security is extremely important. Especially, as the popularity of your website grows, thanks to you implementing the traffic generating priorities and strategies mentioned later in this article. But, first, let’s look at where the ...